Friday, April 22, 2011

Where Aeonaxx Spawns and Where I Found Him

When people originally began camping Aeonaxx they believed that he spawned in several different locations around deepholm and from the spawn location began to fly in a circular pattern around the Temple of the Earth. This was incorrect.

Aeonaxx has a total of six spawn locations as you can see from the map below~

The most popular camp point on my server is just above Quartzite Basin, circled in red below. This is commonly referred to as SW1 (42,60). Most times I began camping here someone would inevitably park their toon right on top of me moments later. Sometimes I would come back to my computer to see three or four people hovering around so I decided it was time to move.

Aeonaxx spawned for me in the location circled in green below, this location is commonly referred to as NW2 (44,43). I camped this spot for several weeks before my npc scan finally went off, and in that time I only ever once saw another camper at that location. If your on a high population server or your noticing a lot of other campers around Quartzite Basin I'd definitely recommend this particular spawn point. It is very close to another spawn point (npc scan should sound if he spawns in either location.)

When Aeonaxx spawns he will not fly in huge circles around the temple of the earth. When I saw Aeonaxx just after he spawned I observed him for a short time and his flight pattern. Aeonaxx was flying upward in small tight circles, never moving very far at all from the original spawn point. So if you think you can just leave your toon parked at one of the spawn points and eventually Aeonaxx will fly by, it's not a guarantee that you will see him or your npcscan will go off if he does spawn somewhere in the zone. Granted this was how I found him, but I happened to get lucky. Before I actually nabbed him I wouldn't be surprised if I missed him spawn once of twice because someone camping another spawn point got him first. If you aren't going to afk camp you'll have to be sure to check all spawn points regularly.


  1. Hello i was curious to know if it would be possible to fly around with a target macro to find him

  2. It certainly would, but with the length of time between spawn times and the amount of time it generally takes to find this guy I wouldn't recommend it. I honestly think that would drive you insane. If you have decent video card settings (and you leave your view distance at max) npcscan should pick him up so long as hes not too far, this way you don't have to do all the work. If your video card can draw Aeonaxx npc scan will pick him up and go off.

  3. Actually this was more helpful that I planed on it being.
    Only one question.
    Around what time did you see him?
    I have heard A LOT of people say around 5:30-5:45 am, but really have never had any luck with that, and it's pretty empty on my server around then. Lol.

  4. When i found him it was actually somewhere between 1-2pm server time.
